Johan Sørensen

Introducing Collaboa

Ruby, and in particular Rails is just too much fun not to work with, so I’ve been spending the evenings for the past week or so working on Collaboa. It’s roughly based on the ideas I rambled about earlier, where all the “article writing” is created and edited in a wiki-like manner. Collaboa is currently what powers the swedish mac developer site
The wiki part is quite heavily inspired by Instiki, including having the ability to compare a page with previous revisions.

It currently consists of a simple forum and wiki-like writing of articles. I hope to release it opensource, as soon as a wrap up a few more details.


  1. Russ Smith Says:

    I love the forum (even though I can’t read it). It’s so clean snd simple. Can’t wait to run through the code after you release it. Good Going!

  2. johan Says:

    Russ, the forum part is actually based off your rubybb example on the RoR wiki, with the single table inheritance and all that jazz. :)

  3. Russ Smith Says:

    Wow, cool. Have you made any changes at all?