Johan Sørensen

The end of the year post

It seems like it’s that time of the year already, looking back I didn’t get to do half of what I set out to do this year but such is life.

I wish I’d written some more here, I wish I would have had the time to work on Paparazzi some more and generally I had hoped to get a lot more done.

But such is life and the past is past us. I think that 2005 will be an interesting year, especially when it comes to web applications, or web 2.0 which some people seem to want to call it, we’ve already seen great ideas such as Flickr, Basecamp, and a wealth of other “web-based services” and during 2005 the number will only grow.

Personally, I’m finding the web interesting again, mostly because of Rails because for someone like me the right tools really makes all the difference when it comes to motivation, ideas and productivity. When it comes to ideas, I’ve gotten quite a few lately and I hope to be able to create some sort of final product with those ideas. The start of a new year is the perfect time to “start fresh”; it’s time to step it up a notch.

Speaking of Rails, the website recently got a major facelift and it really feels like there’s a lot more “meat” to the site, which hopefully will reflect on peoples perception of Rails and Ruby in general. My Collaboa project is even listed there, now I have no excuse but to bring Collaboa to a wider, non-swedish speaking audience.